Nextdoor Social Sites Friendship

Stories like these explain the draw of locality-based online social networks. Nextdoor is by far the biggest of these networks, with private community sites operating in more than 168,000 neighborhoods across the United States (up from 40,000 in 2014), and thousands more in the. Promote local commerce the right way. We have created designated spaces for members and local businesses to sell products and services. Use your true identity. Nextdoor is built on trust — we want everyone to know they’re communicating with their real neighbor, and therefore require you to use your true identity.

Here are some of the things I heard about in my neighborhood over the past year: A thunderstorm downed a tree, blocking a central road; a shadowy agent called “the night clipper” arose, surreptitiously cutting overhanging bushes while unsuspecting property owners slept; several dogs and cats were lost, found, or “on the loose,” whatever that means for a cat; a federal-grand-jury-summons telephone scam struck; someone sought belly-dancing classes, an apparent alternative to Pilates; and, innumerable times, people deposited bags of dog poop into lawn-clipping and recycling canisters at the curb. All of this news came courtesy of the social-media service Nextdoor. On its website and app, people can post recommendations, updates, and warnings about their building, block, or neighborhood.

Anyone who has subscribed to a neighborhood email listserv—or used the internet—can guess what might go wrong. Social networks connect people, but many of those connections degrade into vitriol. If Twitter is where you fight with strangers, and Facebook is where you vie with friends, then Nextdoor is where you get annoyed with neighbors—for sending “urgent alerts,” pushed late at night to mobile phones, about questionable emergencies; for trying to sell a tattered massage table or used carpet shampooer at near-retail price; for issuing nasty reprisals on matters large and small. But it can also foster connections among neighbors and help counter the social isolation brought about by technology.

Nextdoor works a lot like Facebook, but instead of a “Like” button, it offers a “Thank” button, encouraging a kind of neighborly grace. More important, in order to join, you have to prove that you live where you say you do (by entering a code mailed to your home address, for example). Which means the community you enter is not imagined or diasporic, comprising people from the same school, profession, or interest group—it’s physical. You can “mute” neighbors on Nextdoor to hide their posts, but you can’t make them move away. Like it or not, these are the people in your neighborhood—the people that you meet each day, as the old Sesame Street song goes. Not just the postman and the barber, but also the aspiring belly dancer, the night clipper, the cat looser, and all the rest.

Thanks to its popularity, the service offers a unique window into daily life around the country. Nextdoor’s virtual communities—which cover more than 180,000 U.S. neighborhoods, including more than 90 percent of those in the 25 largest cities—are becoming representative of the country’s actual populations.

What do Nextdoor users talk about? On April 18, 2018, to pick a random day, the nation mourned former First Lady Barbara Bush, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited Donald Trump to discuss North Korea, and the world reacted to a deadly accident aboard a Southwest Airlines flight. But on Nextdoor, the overwhelming majority of Americans were focused on the impacts of late-season snowstorms: stuck cars, downed power lines, and especially snowplows. Grout and kittens were on mountain-time minds, and Oregonians seemed to be enduring a spate of lost wallets and duck encounters. In Florida and Colorado, problems with telecom services dominated the conversation.

This is pretty normal. Steve Wymer, Nextdoor’s vice president of policy, told me that the same topics arise again and again, modulated by region and neighborhood type. Service requests and recommendations constitute 30 percent of chatter, and discussions of real estate make up another 20 percent. About 10 percent of Nextdoor conversations relate to crime and safety, Wymer said. (Suspicious persons come up a lot, often amounting to sightings of people of color in predominantly white areas. Nextdoor has attempted to discourage posts that use appearance as a proxy for criminality by prompting users to add more detail and blocking some posts that mention race.) Public agencies such as police and emergency-management departments also post updates to their constituencies. Noise complaints are another popular subject, according to Wymer—fireworks seem to raise particular ire—as are classifieds, missing pets, and gardening tips.

Judging by the conversations on Nextdoor, it would seem that Americans are concerned first about the safety and security of their property, family, and pets, and then with their property’s, family’s, and pets’ upkeep and improvement. Though the platform breeds its share of conflict, it is notable—in contrast to other social networks—for the commonality it reveals, even in these times of unprecedented political division. No one, Democrat or Republican, wants a neighborhood strewed with dog poop.

Jenn Takahashi operates a Twitter account and Facebook page called Best of Nextdoor. Because Nextdoor posts are private to local communities, Takahashi relies on users to submit funny or weird things they see in neighborhood groups across the country. (When her Twitter following recently surpassed that of Nextdoor’s corporate account, the company’s head of community congratulated her, while also gently wondering whether she would blur the neighborhood names in her posted screenshots.) Less than a year after launching the accounts as a loving gag, Takahashi has built what might amount to the most complete contemporary picture of day-to-day American behavior, a kind of crowdsourced Kinsey report on municipal perversity.

Takahashi echoes Wymer on noise complaints—talk of fireworks or gunshots (they are rarely actual gunshots) is common, she says. Sometimes these complaints have dramatic consequences. In Seattle, a post about a dog’s bad reaction to some kind of cannon that was sounded during Seahawks football games led to an online dispute, and a neighborhood meeting at a library to talk it out erupted into a brawl. “Seattle is like the Florida of Nextdoor,” Takahashi told me, referring to the Sunshine State’s tendency to surface all manner of improbable events. Los Angeles is another source of good material: She’s received a handful of submissions about unrest in parts of the city where YouTube stars live, as fans mob the streets trying to catch a glimpse.

One user donated an organ to someone 10 doors down, whom she met through Nextdoor.Nextdoor Social Sites Friendship

Best of Nextdoor reveals a charming cluelessness that pervades America’s communities. People in cities can’t seem to tell the difference between a possum and a house cat, for example. In Alabama, someone tried to sell an unopened box of Hot Pockets. Near St. Louis, one resident asked why the neighborhood of WingHaven is called “Swinghaven.” In a suburb of San Diego, someone posted an image of a found sex toy and—not comprehending the purpose of the device—worried that it “looks valuable.” But most of Takahashi’s collection catalogs more-mundane patterns, like the poop-in-the-trash-bin crisis that seems to plague all Americans. Takahashi has amassed countless specimens, as it were, from run-of-the-mill lamentations to complex home-surveillance-camera-facilitated stakeouts conducted to find and shame the offending dog walker.

In our conversation, Steve Wymer brought up Robert Putnam’s 2000 book, Bowling Alone, about the decline of in-person social discourse in America and its consequences for civic life. Putnam criticized the technological individualism encouraged by television and the internet, which had already shown a capacity to promote selfishness. Wymer argued that Nextdoor cuts against that trend: The company boasts dramatic examples of new collaborations the service helped enable—the neighbor who donated an organ to someone 10 doors down, whom she wouldn’t have known were it not for Nextdoor, and the person stranded on a roof by Hurricane Harvey who was able to summon a rescue boat via the service.

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But usually life is less dramatic than that. In the most-common Best of Nextdoor submissions, neighbors worry about a weird truck driving by slowly, early in the morning. Ever vigilant, other users respond that they have already reported the suspicious vehicle to police, as law-enforcement representatives on the service encourage. Typically, the offending vehicle turns out to be the newspaper-delivery person, plodding through the suburbs to bring print news to the residents who still read it that way. Eventually, someone explains how newspaper delivery works, and order is restored.


I’ve seen a version of this post in my own neighborhood. Someone writes: “Concerns about white man with turban on bicycle.” Almost instantly, responses arrive: “Oh, that’s Floyd, he’s harmless,” and “Yeah, he’s been around forever.” Some neighbors theorize that he might be a wizard. It’s a small thing, and maybe not one to be proud of—but the neighbors’ concerns get assuaged, and Floyd escapes torment. That’s a post worth clicking “Thank” on.

This article appears in the July/August 2018 print edition with the headline “These Are the People in Your Neighborhood.”

With the Nextdoor app, users can connect with their neighbors and engage their local community.

Likewise, business owners and organizations can target their local neighborhoods and offer services catered to them. By leveraging the power of word-of-mouth, Nextdoor can become an avenue to increased sales and profit.

Let’s take a look at what the Nextdoor neighborhood app does, how you can use it, and the best tips for you to optimize your presence on the social network.

Table of Contents

What is Nextdoor?

What the neighborhood app is used for

How to use Nextdoor

Key metrics to track

Nail the Nextdoor basics

Nextdoor tips for businesses and organizations

Bonus: Get the step-by-step social media strategy guide with pro tips on how to grow your social media presence.

What is Nextdoor?

The Nextdoor app is a social networking platform for local communities and neighborhoods. Instead of connecting you to any user across the world, Nextdoor narrows your network to those in your surrounding area.

Its network is made up of more than 180,000 neighborhoods across the globe. According to their website, their mission is to “provide a trusted platform where neighbors work together to build stronger, safer, happier communities, all over the world.”

With the Nextdoor app, users can interact with their neighbors, discuss community news, and recommend local services and businesses that they like. But that’s not all the app can do…

What the neighborhood app is used for

While users can do everything on the app from gossiping about neighbors to commenting on the local wildlife…

Who needs BBC’s Planet Earth when you have the Nextdoor app?

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…the Nextdoor app is primarily used for three things:

  1. Selling and buying. Users can use Nextdoor in order to sell or purchase items in the “For Sale or Free” page of the app. Listings will also appear on the neighborhood feed so users can see new items as they appear. The app also has a feature that users can use to look at real estate listings as well.
  2. Organizing events. Do you think your neighborhood could do with a good ol’ fashioned block party? Maybe you want to get a book club going? True to the spirit of the app, users can use Nextdoor to host and organize parties and events.
  3. Get recommendations. With the app, users can look up reviews of local businesses like restaurants to see if they’re worth patronizing. It’s this exact feature that makes it such a boon for entrepreneurs.

At its heart, though, the Nextdoor network is a way for neighbors to engage each other and build a sense of community.

and also this.

How to use Nextdoor in 4 steps

Now that we know what exactly the app is used for, let’s learn how to use your Nextdoor network for your business or organization. Luckily, it’s a pretty intuitive process and takes only four steps.

Step 1: Download the app

The first step is simple: Head to Apple App Store or Google Play Store and download the latest version of Nextdoor.

It’ll take just a few seconds to download and once it’s done you can move onto…

Step 2: Create a user profile

Now it’s time to create your user profile. This will allow you to interact with other members of the community and take part in the various features of the Nextdoor app. Also, having a user profile will streamline the process once it’s time for you to put your business onto the app.

To do this, you’re going to want to click on “Find your neighborhood” when you open up Nextdoor for the first time. You’ll be taken to the next page:

Here you’ll enter your address so Nextdoor can connect you with your local community. This might seem odd. After all, what social network requires you to provide your address? The app recognizes that this level of transparency is uncommon on their website, however, and claim that it’s to accomplish two things:

  1. Create more than just an online community. According to their website, Nextdoor wants to encourage real-life community building by encouraging face to face conversations and meet ups. Rest assured, your information isn’t public and is only visible to the people within your community.
  2. Accountability. If you wouldn’t say something to someone’s face in real life, you shouldn’t say it online either—or at least that’s one reason Nextdoor uses to share your information with the community. “We’ve found that when members keep in mind they’re talking with their real life neighbors,” the site says, “they’re more likely to treat each other with respect.”

Once you’ve entered your address you’ll have to register your email address and a password.

When you’ve registered your user profile and verified your information, congrats! You’re now a user on the Nextdoor app. It will now take you straight to your neighborhood feed where you can view the latest updates, events, and listings from your community.

Bonus: Get the step-by-step social media strategy guide with pro tips on how to grow your social media presence.

Get the free guide right now!

That’s just the first step for using Nextdoor. We still need to register our business or organization—if you have one.

Step 3: Add your business to Nextdoor

Head to Nextdoor’s “Create a Business” page on their website by following the link here.

You’ll have two options for your business or organization:

  1. Business. Choose this option if your business has a name (e.g. franchised restaurants, LLCs with multiple employees).
  2. Individual. Choose this option if you’re working under your own name (e.g. entrepreneurs, small business owners).

Pick the option that makes the most sense for your business or organization. Once you do, Nextdoor is going to ask you to enter some very basic information about the page you’re registering (e.g. what kind of business it is, your business address).

Click on Add your page and your business profile will be registered with Nextdoor! You’ll now be able to view your business’s page, view your metrics (more on that later), and engage with your audience.

However, there is one thing you’ll have to do first to get the ball rolling. What do you notice about the page above?

You need to reach out to neighbors first. In fact, if you don’t take the first step in sharing your Nextdoor business page, your organization won’t even show up in your community feed.

Luckily, it’s simple to do so.

Step 4: Share your profile

To share your profile, scroll to the middle of your business profile where you’ll find options on how to share your page to get recommendations.

Recommendations are essentially reviews left from members of a Nextdoor community recommending a product or service. If you want your business to perform well on the app, then recommendations are how you’re going to get there.

My suggestion: Ask a customer to leave a review after you’ve left them happy.

Are you a tailor who just fixed a tear in a customer’s favorite coat? Ask them for a recommendation!
Did you just tutor someone’s child to earn straight As in school? Send them the recommendation link for Nextdoor.

Here’s a great script you can use when emailing them to get a recommendation too:


I’m glad to hear you’re happy with [XYZ service]!
Also, I’d appreciate it if you left a recommendation for me on Nextdoor. Just follow the link below and leave a review. It should take no more than two minutes.


Feel free to reach out if you need [XYZ service] again. It was a pleasure working with you.



Nextdoor Social Sites Friendship Township

I used that exact same script for my business and was able to increase my audience from zero neighbors to more than 5,000.


And just like that, I was visible on the Nextdoor app and had the social proof of a member of the community.

Key metrics to track

Like any other social platform, you need to know your key performance indicators (KPIs). For Nextdoor, your KPIs can be broken up into four areas:

  • Recommendations. These are the number of positive reviews your neighbors have given you. The higher the number of recommendations, the more social proof you’ll have in your community.
  • Neighborhoods. This is your reach in terms of communities and neighborhoods. The higher this number is, the greater the amount of networks your business can tap into.
  • Neighbors. These are Nextdoor users who can see your page. The higher this number is, the more Nextdoor users you can connect with.
  • Comments. These are people actively engaging with your community by leaving comments on your page. These are crucial in providing feedback, addressing concerns, and engaging back with your community.

Nextdoor Social Network

With those four metrics, you’ll be able to get started tracking and optimizing your presence on the Nextdoor app.

Nail the Nextdoor basics

Now that you’re on Nextdoor, there are a ton of different ways you can engage with your communities from creating and hosting events to selling your items via listings.

Nextdoor Social Sites Friendships

Below are some fast tips on how to accomplish the most common Nextdoor goals:

How to post

Posting allows you to solicit advice and recommendations from your neighbors. It functions the same as your Facebook status updates. To make a post simply:

  1. Go to your Newsfeed.
  2. Click on Post a message, event, poll, or urgent alert to neighbors at the top of your feed.
  3. Choose which type of post you’re making.
  4. Craft your post.
  5. Tap Post to post your message.

Your post will now appear on your community feed.

How to create an event

Create an event to gather your neighbors for a birthday party or perhaps a community meeting. To do so, just follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Newsfeed.
  2. Click on Events on the left side.
  3. Click on Add event on the top right corner of the “Events” page.
  4. Fill out your event information and click Next.
  5. Choose a date and time for your event, as well as your event’s privacy, before clicking Next.
  6. Choose a photo for your event.
  7. Post your event.

Your event will appear on the newsfeed for your selected audience.

How to create a group

Groups will allow you to communicate and meet up with like minded neighbors. Start that bookclub you’ve always wanted to do. Maybe find running buddies who will help you train for half-marathon. To create a group, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Newsfeed.
  2. Click on Browse all groups on the bottom left hand corner.
  3. Click on Create group on the top right hand corner.
  4. Fill out the group information and choose the privacy settings.
  5. Click on Create group.

Your group will now be available for your neighbors to join.

How to sell an item

Declutter your home and make some cash along the way by selling your items on Nextdoor! To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Newsfeed.
  2. Click on For Sale and Free on the left hand side.
  3. Click on Post an Item on the top right hand corner.
  4. Fill out your listing and add a photo.
  5. Click Post.

Your item will now be listed on your community feed.

4 Nextdoor tips for businesses and organizations

Nextdoor can be a great social network for everyone from users to businesses to organizations. Even local governments can use the app in order to connect with their community. In fact, governments can engage with their citizens and learn about the key issues that impact their community in real time.

Here are a few tips for businesses and governments to leverage Nextdoor for their neighborhoods.

1. Talk to your neighbors

Nextdoor allows organizations the unique opportunity to directly engage their community.

If you’re a local government, this might mean speaking with community leaders, individual citizens, and neighborhood groups. This allows you to listen to them and address their concerns—all the while encouraging civic involvement.

Nextdoor Social Media Site

For businesses, this gives you an awesome opportunity to really listen to your clientele. Doing so allows you listen to their struggles and pain points, and craft attractive messaging around those issues.

Nextdoor Friendship

2. Announce major changes

You’ll now be able to announce major changes that directly impact the community around you.

For example, if a street in your neighborhood is due to be street cleaned, you can now tell your neighbors to move their cars to facilitate that.

If you’re a business, you’ll be able to announce if your location is under construction or if there’s a major change in the hours you’re open.

3. Fight (and prevent) crime

Nextdoor also allows neighbors to help keep their communities safe by way of a digital neighborhood watch. Users can report suspicious activities and be aware of the potential dangers of their neighborhoods.

If you’re a local government, you can use Nextdoor to announce urgent crime notices or give practical advice to help keep your citizens safe. You can also keep an eye on the crime reports to help further prevent crime.

4. Engage your community

With events and groups, local governments and businesses can create a community within your community.

For example, local governments can create volunteer voter drive initiatives or organize town halls to address issues pertinent to your citizens.

Nextdoor Social Sites Friendship Wi

If you’re a business, you can gather prospective customers for things like live workshops and meetups.
The Nextdoor app allows you to connect and engage with your community—all the while providing valuable metrics to help your business or organization.

Nextdoor social network

And now we want to turn it over to you: Have you used the Nextdoor app? What has your experience been with using it for your business or organization?

Nextdoor Social Sites Friendship Bread

Leave a comment below. I can’t wait to read your responses.

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The post Nextdoor App: A Guide to Using the Neighborhood Social Network appeared first on Hootsuite Social Media Management.