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Free dating sites are useful when you want to begin a relationship, but don’t want to invest time in a relationship. To use a free dating site all you have to do is sign up and provide basic information. The site will display an available list of matches that meet your requirements. You may be surprised at the people you find. Join the Mature Dating Revolution! Find Your Senior Match Online Now. 0 Video Calls Feed.

“A dating site subscription as a gift? You must be joking!” This is a common reaction one could get after proposing the idea of giving someone a dating site gift voucher. At first, this is a crazy idea indeed. Just imagine your friend’s expression after they unwrap the cover from a huge box, only to find a small letter inside, indicating that a dating account is waiting for them on a popular matchmaking platform. This is more like a prank that ensures you won’t be invited for next year’s party. But think about it from another angle. They might shrug the idea off at first, but start toying with the idea as time goes on. They already have a prepaid membership, thus all they have to do is activate it… It won’t take long to give in to their curiosity and check the service out. And if it leads to the person finding true love, it will be your merit.

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Getting a Subscription Voucher

Most singles are too afraid or proud to opt for a membership on their own. Some of them also find the pricing system repulsive, as no one should charge money for love. All of these excuses can be avoided if you take the initiative and pay for the premium membership (which is known to hold all the key features). This is especially true for mature or elderly singles. There are dating sites catering to them, but they won’t make the step to sign up on their own. But how do you help them in a convenient and elegant way? You cannot set up an account in their name, since it takes away half the fun. You also need to come up with a nickname for them, not to mention all the troubles with the email address (naturally, you can’t use the person’s address; the authentication email would give away the surprise). What you need is a gift subscription. Some dating sites, eHarmonyin particular, offer the option to get a subscription voucher like you would with any online store. Your loved one then creates a profile, and uses the credit code to activate the premium membership. This allows them to painlessly enjoy all the premium features a dating site like eHarmony has to offer.

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